David Emanuel Vetter

Contingent Worker
Contingent Worker
T314 Dept. Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering
Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Targeting motor cortex high-excitability states defined by functional connectivity with real-time EEG–TMS

David Emanuel Vetter, Christoph Zrenner, Paolo Belardinelli, Tuomas Petteri Mutanen, Gábor Kozák, Laura Marzetti, Ulf Ziemann 2023

Corticospinal excitability is highest at the early rising phase of sensorimotor µ-rhythm

Christoph Zrenner, Gábor Kozák, Natalie Schaworonkow, Johanna Metsomaa, David Baur, David Vetter, Daniel M. Blumberger, Ulf Ziemann, Paolo Belardinelli 2023