Anne Tervo

Senior University Lecturer
Senior University Lecturer
T201 Dept. Architecture
Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Rakentamisen Ruusu 2022

Asuntoarkkitehtuurin käsikirja is long-awaited up-to-date housing design handbook The Handbook has already had a positive impact on the quality of housing design. The manual is primarily written for the students of architecture, but also at providing timely and useful information for those engaged in the practice of housing design. It is to be hoped that the work and the discussion it raises will also increase the understanding of housing buyers about the effects of the properties of the dwelling on housing.<br/>
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Architecture Mar 2023

ARTS teaching award 2018

Anne Tervo has taken the responsibility of the bachelor thesis at the Department of Architecture in an active and successful way. Within a short period of time she has managed to improve results. Tervo has got exceptionally good feedback from the students both for the practical organization of the courses and for the personal support and guidance to the individual students.
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Architecture Feb 2019


Asukastoiveiden mukainen kerrostalo? : Menetelmä asukastiedon keräämiseen ja suuntaviivojen suunnitteluun

Sini Saarimaa, Veera Turku, Jenni Kuoppa, Anne Tervo, Markus Laine 2024 Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu - Finnish Journal of Urban Studies

Asunnon (monipuolinen) kalustettavuus indikoi sen tilallista laatua

Anne Tervo 2024 Kohti kestävämpiä asuinalueita : kaupunginosien ja kortteleiden kestävyysindikaattoreita

Toimiva talo Asuinkerrostalokohteet RT 103602

Anne Tervo, Sini Saarimaa, Katja Tähtinen 2023

Tä­mä asun­to on hy­vin asut­ta­va!

Anne Tervo 2023 A-Kruunu-blogi

Asuntoarkkitehtuurin käsikirja

Sanna Meriläinen, Anne Tervo 2022

Uusilla Toimiva talo -kriteereillä kohti kestävämpää rakentamista

Sini Saarimaa, Anne Tervo, Katja Tähtinen 2022 ARA-viesti

Mi­ten niin ah­das­ta?

Anne Tervo 2021 A-Kruunu-blogi

The Rise of Solo Living

Anne Tervo 2021 Arkkitehti - Finnish Architectural Review