Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

Keys to Your Wellbeing III: Group Flow - What!?

Group flow (or team flow) occurs when group members can immerse together in an interdependent task that all the members are satisfied with. In this era of individualism, it is good to know that flow can also be achieved together with others.

Read the article below to set the ground. Then, read on and listen!

This is the third part of the Key to Your Wellbeing series.

Group Flow: what is it and how to achieve it?

Group flow (or team flow) occurs when group members can immerse together in an interdependent task that all the members are satisfied with. In this era of individualism, it is good to know that flow can also be achieved together with others.

Read the article!
Group Flow: What is it and how to achieve it?

Read more

Oana Velcu-Laitinen

Oasis blog: The Creative Flow Experience

Creativity has a place in research. At every stage of mastery development, you need your creative thinking skills to distinguish yourself through work that brings original and novel perspectives to existing paradigms. Keep reading to discover thoughts by Oana Velcu-Laitinen on creativity and flow in academic environments. Oana is a former Aalto post-doc and the author of the book "How to Develop Your Creative Identity at Work".

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing
Cloud Reachers podcast

The Cloud Reachers Podcast about Creativity with Oana Velcu-Laitinen (external link)

Oana Velcu-Laitinen is a NeuroLeadership coach and trainer focusing on creative thinking to enhance work performance. Her clients include researchers, change leaders, entrepreneurs, and individuals seeking career growth.

The Future-led Learning Podcast is hosted by Riikka Evans. Photograph: Janne Illman.

"I'm more corageous." - Why co-teaching. Listen to a podcast

New season of Future-led learning podcast takes you to a very practical level of working with students. This season includes topical issues such as academic advising, inclusion, co-teaching and sustainability. Topic for the last episode of this season is co-teaching.

Maria Joutsenvirta

Theory U - How to lead from the future while it emerges?

Creative people, like artists and scientists, invent and create the new by stepping from the visible world into the invisible world of imagination, and then returning back into the visible. We all can develop our sensitivity, intuition and leadership capabilities to increase creativity.

The Future-led Learning Podcast is hosted by Riikka Evans. Photograph: Janne Illman.

Future-led Learning 10: Johannes Kaira (external link)

Johannes Kaira works as a teacher at the Aalto Ventures Programme which is the entrepreneurship education program at Aalto University, where students in multidisciplinary teams work on hands-on exercises. We discussed with Johannes about teamwork and what it requires as a method from students and teachers. We talked about trust, communication skills and flexibility and how they contribute to a well-functioning team.

Teamwork First-Aid Kit

Teamwork First-Aid Kit gathers tools that have proved to be useful in supporting diverse teams tackling ill-defined problems and building the foundations for successful teamwork. It is a small step toward educating game-changers who can make a team more than a sum of its parts. Undeniably, teamwork skills are among the most pivotal work-life skills that younger generation entering the workforce are expected to master.


The Keys to Your Wellbeing Series

Keys to your wellbeing

Keys To Your Wellbeing series is here

Keys To Your Wellbeing series by Oasis of Radical Wellbeing collects wellbeing materials (science-based articles, podcasts, videos, trainings and exercises) on monthly changing topics.

Dealing With Feelings

Keys to Your Wellbeing I: Dealing With Feelings

We can try to accept and explore difficult feelings. How? A wellbeing package for your use, produced by Aalto wellbeing professionals.

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

Keys to Your Wellbeing II: Self-Compassion With a Fierce Twist

Self-compassion helps, and you can learn and practice it. A wellbeing package for your use, produced by Aalto wellbeing professionals.

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

Keys to Your Wellbeing III (2022) contributors: Suvi Helko, Merita Petäjä, Tiina Pylkkönen, Ilona Suojanen and Oana Velcu-Laitinen. Produced by Sakari Heiskanen.

Wellbeing News

kuva juoksijoista joilla koira mukana rantaraitilla
Campus, University Published:

Register now to Aalto walk & run event 21.9.2024

Join the whole Aalto community's free of charge sports event. Run, jog, or walk – you choose!
Aalto Wellbeing social media QR code 2024
Campus Published:

@aaltowellbeing in IG!

Stay on top of the latest research-based wellness information and Aalto University events and services related to wellness and inclusion by following the @aaltowellbeing account.
Four people have coffee outside, smile and wave to camera.
Campus, University Published:

Coffee in the guild room and chat on Telegram – Small acts can help create a psychologically safe atmosphere

Prioritizing psychological safety is absolutely critical for building and maintaining a thriving academic environment..
Students talking to each other
Studies Published:

Back on track –workshop series 8.10. & 29.10.2024

Aalto's study psychologists and a guidance counsellor are organizing a two-time peer support workshop series for students who are returning to their studies after a longer break or who have studied very little during the past year.

Wellbeing Events

Aalto University campus in Otaniemi
Conferences, Workshops

ARCH24 - The 6th International conference on Architecture, Research, Health and Care (external link)

The International ARCH24 Conference will be held at Aalto University, Espoo, in June 17th to 19th in 2024.
juoksijoita rantaraitilla
Campus, Students

Aalto walk & run sports event on Saturday 21.9.2024

Join the whole Aalto community's free of charge sports event! 10 or 5K walking or running – you choose. This year a new Aalto walk 5K.
Wellbeing week visual identifier
Campus, Other, Students

Aalto Wellbeing Week 2024

Check all the events during Wellbeing Week
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