Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

Keys to Your Wellbeing II: Self-Compassion With a Fierce Twist

In studies among college students, those who practiced self-compassion experienced less fear of failure and were more motivated and self-confident than their non-self-compassionate peers. Hence, they dared to take on more challenges and chances. With the increased self-compassion, researchers have observed less procrastination with study assignments and fewer negative reactions to diverse situations.

Fierce self-compassion means learning to harness our anger and transform it into qualities like courage and strength. Fierce self-compassion is action energy.

Read the article (link below) below to set the ground. Learn about fierce self-compassion in the blog and the podcast episode. Then, try the excercise, and read the other material linked below!

Are you a friend or a constant critic of yourself? Why is self-compassion worthwhile?

Self-criticism may cause anxiety, lack of motivation and incomplete performance. Harmful thoughts can crush all courage and enthusiasm. Self-compassion helps, and you can learn and practice it.

Read the article!
Self-compassion article

Excercise: Get Along With Your Anger (8 min 50 s)

The purpose of this exercise is to help you get along with your anger. Easily we strive to keep anger out of our consciousness or supress it . We have learned that it is not really appropriate to be cranky and if we express direct, unhandled anger, we get into conflicts with other people. Working on anger allows us to connect with what the anger wants to tell us or what things it wants to protect us from. It also gives energy and strength to make changes. (8'50)

The excercise is also in Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.


Self-compassion excercise: Dealing With Your Anger (8'50) (external link)

Working on anger allows us to connect with what the anger wants to tell us or what things it wants to protect us from.

More things to consider

Power of Imperfection (c) Aalto 2022

Power of Self-Compassion in MyCourses (external link)

Self-compassion is one of the most beneficial skills you can learn in life. This course consists of mindfulness exercises that help us to nurture an accepting and sympathetic relationship with ourselves.

The Best Thing Today Oasis of Radical Wellbeing 2021

The Best Thing Today: Fierce Self-compassion (external link)

Fierce self-compassion means learning to harness our anger and transform it into qualities like courage and strength. Instead of being emotionally reactive, it means finding space to work the anger out, transforming it into actions.

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing 567

Merita Petäjä's blog post Fierce Self-compassion in Practice (external link)

We tend to think that when we are demanding towards ourselves, we perform better, and that self-compassion leads us to lower performance, laziness and too much comfort.

Aalto student student Sonja contemplating in the nature. From Short film Compassion III: Sonja.

Short films for you to watch and discuss

Scripted drama is an excellent tool for developing your self care skills. Enjoy the films and think!

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

Processing feelings (external link)

Read here Nyyti ry's tips regarding the ability to perceive, express and regulate one's own emotions.

Mindfulness Excercises

Benefits of Calmness: mindfulness and other calming practices for You

Mindfulness and other soothing practices can be useful tools for you!

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

Keys to Your Wellbeing II (2022) contributors: Suvi Helko, Merita Petäjä, Tiina Pylkkönen, Ilona Suojanen. Produced by Sakari Heiskanen.

Wellbeing News

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@aaltowellbeing in IG!

Stay on top of the latest research-based wellness information and Aalto University events and services related to wellness and inclusion by following the @aaltowellbeing account.
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Wellbeing Events

Aalto Readers' Club

Aalto Readers' Club

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Aalto University campus in Otaniemi
Conferences, Workshops

ARCH24 - The 6th International conference on Architecture, Research, Health and Care (external link)

The International ARCH24 Conference will be held at Aalto University, Espoo, in June 17th to 19th in 2024.
Aalto Readers' Club

Aalto Readers' Club

Join our dynamic book club at Aalto University!
Aalto Readers' Club

Aalto Readers' Club

Join our dynamic book club at Aalto University!
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