Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

Keys to Your Wellbeing I: Dealing With Feelings

Feelings often have a message for us. Grief tells us that we have lost something important to us once and for all. Jealousy speaks to which direction we would like to go. Disappointment tells us that something hasn't happened in line with our expectations. Irritation tells us that some of our needs hasn't been realized. Through a self-compassionate approach, we can try to accept and explore these feelings.

Read the article below to set the ground. Then, try listening to your difficult feelings. You can try the self-compassion excercise underneath to do this. Also, see Nyyti ry's tips for regulation of feelings and attend VOICE training with your team. Read more below!

This is the first part of the Key to Your Wellbeing series. Look for more in December 2022.

Toxic Positivity - how does positivity become poisonous?

Encouraging, spurring advice? Good tips on how to ignore life's challenges and bad feelings to move towards success? Well, let's have a closer look.

Read the article!
Dealing with feelings: Toxic positivity

Excercise: Soften, soothe, allow!

Accepting and exploring our difficult feelings help us to identify our own needs. After identifying the needs, it is easier to correct our own activities or we can try to express our needs to others and then the likelihood of meeting needs increases. Facing and accepting negative feelings and working with them increases one's wellbeing in the long run. Take a good position and listen to this self-compassion excercise. Duration: 8 m 20 s.

The excercise is also in Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

Dealing With Feelings Excercise

Dealing With Feelings excercise: Soften, soothe, allow (8'20) (external link)

Facing and accepting negative feelings and working with them increases one's wellbeing in the long run.

The Keys to Your Wellbeing Series

Keys to your wellbeing

Keys To Your Wellbeing series is here

Keys To Your Wellbeing series by Oasis of Radical Wellbeing collects wellbeing materials (science-based articles, podcasts, videos, trainings and exercises) on monthly changing topics.

Dealing With Feelings

Keys to Your Wellbeing I: Dealing With Feelings

We can try to accept and explore difficult feelings. How? A wellbeing package for your use, produced by Aalto wellbeing professionals.

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

Keys to Your Wellbeing II: Self-Compassion With a Fierce Twist

Self-compassion helps, and you can learn and practice it. A wellbeing package for your use, produced by Aalto wellbeing professionals.

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

More things to consider


Processing feelings (external link)

Read here Nyyti ry's tips regarding the ability to perceive, express and regulate one's own emotions.

VOICE Training

VOICE training for Aalto personnel teams

Sometimes a negative feeling is a message that we need to speak up. Attend VOICE training for personnel with your team to learn how to speak up thoughtfully and productevily, and how to encourage your team members to do so too!

Keys to Your Wellbeing I (2022) contributors: Suvi Helko, Merita Petäjä, Tiina Pylkkönen, Ilona Suojanen. Produced by Sakari Heiskanen.

Wellbeing News

kuva juoksijoista joilla koira mukana rantaraitilla
Campus, University Published:

Register now to Aalto walk & run event 21.9.2024

Join the whole Aalto community's free of charge sports event. Run, jog, or walk – you choose!
Aalto Wellbeing social media QR code 2024
Campus Published:

@aaltowellbeing in IG!

Stay on top of the latest research-based wellness information and Aalto University events and services related to wellness and inclusion by following the @aaltowellbeing account.
Four people have coffee outside, smile and wave to camera.
Campus, University Published:

Coffee in the guild room and chat on Telegram – Small acts can help create a psychologically safe atmosphere

Prioritizing psychological safety is absolutely critical for building and maintaining a thriving academic environment..
Students talking to each other
Studies Published:

Back on track –workshop series 8.10. & 29.10.2024

Aalto's study psychologists and a guidance counsellor are organizing a two-time peer support workshop series for students who are returning to their studies after a longer break or who have studied very little during the past year.

Wellbeing Events

Aalto University campus in Otaniemi
Conferences, Workshops

ARCH24 - The 6th International conference on Architecture, Research, Health and Care (external link)

The International ARCH24 Conference will be held at Aalto University, Espoo, in June 17th to 19th in 2024.
juoksijoita rantaraitilla
Campus, Students

Aalto walk & run sports event on Saturday 21.9.2024

Join the whole Aalto community's free of charge sports event! 10 or 5K walking or running – you choose. This year a new Aalto walk 5K.
Wellbeing week visual identifier
Campus, Other, Students

Aalto Wellbeing Week 2024

Check all the events during Wellbeing Week
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