
Bachelor’s Programme in International Business, Mikkeli


The Bachelor’s Thesis is a formal document that requires from a student both a formal proposal and a defense in the thesis seminar. The thesis process takes place once each academic year.

The Bachelor’s Thesis must be written in English. Detailed instructions on the thesis are provided in special info sessions attended by all thesis students. All thesis materials are available on the MyCourses workspace of the thesis group.

It should be noted that the grade given for Bachelor's Thesis cannot be improved later.

Maturity test

The Bachelor’s thesis process

The Bachelor’s Thesis process begins in October. Your work on the thesis begins immediately with exploratory and developmental stages of the thesis. You will have some information sessions and workshops, and three required personal consultations with your supervisor during the process. Note that the Literature Review workshop is mandatory for all thesis students. The supervisors will inform you how the consultations are arranged. Supervisors will provide additional information to their respective group during these consultations. We strongly encourage you to work intensively with the thesis from the beginning in order to proceed according to the planned schedule.

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