Our strategy

A living strategy for a world in motion

In our living strategy approach, our purpose, values, and way of working define our long-term direction while our choices are proactively and continuously re-evaluated.
An aerial view of the Aalto University campus at sunset/ Photo by Mika Huisman
Innovation infographic for Aalto University strategy with the words innovation, art & design, science & technology and business & economy

We embarked on a mission

By merging three leading ​universities in 2010, Aalto University was founded to work as a societally embedded, and innovative​ research university for a better world​.

Aalto has a national mission to strengthen Finland’s innovative capacity through first-class research and education.

Students with bikes on Aalto University campus

Together, we ​have come far

We have successfully brought together science, technology, art, and business to become a forerunner in our key areas​.

Our campus has rapidly grown into a world-class collaboration hub.

We have transformed into one of Europe’s most international universities.

A detail of Aalto University Otanano infrastructure, image by Mikko Raskinen

Our current ​strengths

  • Excellence and increasing impact in our chosen key areas in research, art and education​
  • A unique combination of collaborating disciplines​
  • Extensive co-creation with partners​
  • An internationally prominent start-up ecosystem​
  • A courageous, low-hierarchy culture with empowered students
A sailing boat at sea, shot from above in the air

Major trends shaping us

  • The global sustainability crisis
  • Technological disruptions and transformation of working life
  • Global economic centre of gravity shifting towards Asia
  • The changing landscape of higher education: increasing demand and competition, digitalisation, pressure on funding
Colourful yarns on a loom in an Aalto University studio facility

Living strategy

We have adopted a living strategy approach tailored for a world in motion.

Our purpose, values, and way of working define our long-term direction. We choose development areas and actions that best drive us towards our purpose. As a community, we proactively and continuously re-evaluate our choices.

This is how we created our living strategy

See how we created Aalto University's living strategy together!

Read more
Banner for Aalto University strategy kick off

Some recent success stories from our community

Starting Up Pic: Aalto University

Aalto University launches free-for-all online entrepreneurship course 'to make sure no great idea goes unpursued'

Starting Up is co-created by students and the European startup community and is a new contribution to open education by the country that brought Elements of AI to the world

Emma Saarnio ja Helmi Liikanen

Jenni Haukio’s Independence Day gown sets the stage for Finland’s next 100 years

Designed by Aalto students Emma Saarnio and Helmi Liikanen, the dress evokes nature with exquisite materiality and minimalist lines

Kuva: Mikko Raskinen

From space technology to spider silk and the bio-economy – over 2 000 women and girls gather for three different technology events

Technology companies will need more than 53 000 new experts in the next few years. We are holding 'Shaking up Tech' for high school students, 'Girls' Day' for upper comprehensive school students in Heureka, and 'Women in Tech' for technical professionals: three events that highlight the many possibilities in the field of technology and introduce role models.

Kuva osoittaa, miten valmistetaan biosynteettistä hämähäkinseittiä suurjännitteen avulla

Spider silk is created by adding spider DNA to microbes

Researchers studying spiders have produced a synthetic biomaterial that can, in future, be used to make a multitude of products from clothes to car parts.

surgify startup team photo annamari tolonen

Surgify aims to make bone surgery safer around the world

These young entrepreneurs have already convinced doctors and investors. Their innovation is coming to operating theatres this year.

Kuva mustasta aukosta

Astronomers capture first image of a black hole

Aalto University contributed to paradigm-shifting observations of the gargantuan black hole at the heart of distant galaxy Messier 87

New AZERTY keyboard

Changing how a country types

France adopts new keyboard standard created with state-of-the-art algorithm

green wall

Aalto University ranked 5th in partnership in THE University Impact Ranking

The overall ranking of Aalto University was 19th. The international Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings assess universities against the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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