
Guest talk: Helen Monkman "Considerations for Health Information Systems Targeted to Citizens"

Dr. Helen Monkman from the University of Victoria in British Columbia will visit the Department of Computer Science
Guest talk

Considerations for Health Information Systems Targeted to Citizens

Health data and information are increasingly available to citizens. Yet accessing, understanding, and putting this information to use remains challenging for many people. Join us to review some important considerations for optimizing health information systems (HISs) for citizens, including:

  1. The concept of Digital Health Literacy
  2. Aligning the needs and capabilities of citizens with the demands of HISs
  3. Applying usability methods to improve HISs for citizens
Helen Monkman

Bio: Dr. Helen Monkman is an Assistant Professor and the Undergraduate Advisor in the School of Health Information Science at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. She earned her BSc and MA in Psychology her PhD in Health Informatics. Helen’s research focusses on topics related to human factors (e.g., digital health literacy) and user experience (e.g., usability, design). She primarily studies consumer health informatics. Her mission is to improve health information systems by making them easier for people to use and the information easier to understand and act upon. Through her work, she seeks to empower people and help them make better health decisions as well as have better conversations with their health care providers.

Department of Computer Science

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Mahine Learning researchers working at Department of Computer Science in Aalto University
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