Ranja Hautamäki

Professori (Associate professor)
Professori (Associate professor)
T201 Dept. Architecture

Ranja Hautamäki works as Associate Professor in Landscape Architecture. She is a landscape architect and gained a doctor of science degree in 2016. Her professorship is landscape planning and society. Ranja works with sustainable landscape planning and management with a special interest in two topics: planning practices and discourses. Her research addresses nature-based solutions and planning practices to tackle societal challenges related to climate change, biodiversity and well-being. Her recent funded projects focus on green infrastructure in climate change mitigation and adaptation. She has studied the conceptions of nature and how these are translated into planning and materialized in landscape architecture.

Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Landscape Architecture, Landscape planning, Landscape management, 211 Architecture


Puutarhaliiton kultainen ansiomerkki, Golden Badge

Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Architecture Oct 2022

Vuolteentori - the environmental structure of the year 2018, project landscape architect in the city of Tampere, Vuolteentorin kunnostus - Vuoden ympäristörakenne-palkinto 2018, suunnitteluttaja

role: project landscape architect in the city of Tampere, responsible for arranging the landscape architecture competition and master plan.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Architecture Feb 2019

Supervisor for LAPPSET-awarded master´s thesis by Anni-Mari Anttola

Helsingin niittyverkosto - analyysi ja kehittämissuunnitelma
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Architecture Feb 2018

Väitöskirjapalkinto 2016

Prize for Doctoral Dissertation of the Year 2016 in the Department of Architecture
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Architecture Nov 2016

Maisema-arkkitehtuuriteko 2016

The Landscape Architecture Achievement of the Year 2016
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Architecture Oct 2016


Optimizing the co-benefits of biodiversity and carbon sinks in urban residential yards

Mari Ariluoma, Antti Kinnunen, Jussi Lampinen, Ranja Hautamäki, Juudit Ottelin 2024 Frontiers in Sustainable Cities

Ekologinen kytkeytyvyys ja luonnon monimuotoisuus alueidenkäytön suunnittelussa

Ranja Hautamäki, Aleksi Heinilä, Atte Moilanen, Juho Rajaniemi 2024

Greening the compact city: Unarticulated tensions and incremental advances in municipal climate action plans

Ranja Hautamäki, Tuulia Puustinen, Tiina Merikoski, Aija Staffans 2024 Cities

Kaupunkivihreä ilmastotekona

Ranja Hautamäki, Mari Ariluoma 2024 Arkkitehti - Finnish Architectural Review

Latvuspeittävyys - monihyötyisen vihreän infrastruktuurin indikaattori

Ranja Hautamäki, Anne Laita 2024 Kohti kestävämpiä asuinalueita: Kaupunginosien ja kortteleiden kestävyysindikaattoreita

Lisää vihreää - enemmän ilmastohyötyjä

Ranja Hautamäki 2024 Puutarha & Kauppa

Luontopohjaisella kaupunkisuunnittelulla on pitkä historia

Ranja Hautamäki, Kati Wolff Susi 2024 Arkkitehtiuutiset

Hiedanrannan hiilinielut ja hiilinielujen lisäämisen keinot

Leena Järvi, Liisa Kulmala, Hei S Lee, Mari Ariluoma, Minttu Havu, Ranja Hautamäki 2024

Fusco & Lehmusruusu (IT/FI) – Lungs

Teemu Lehmusruusu, Roberto Fusco, Leena Järvi, Ranja Hautamäki, Jussi Lampinen, Andrea Mancianti, Marloes van Son 2024