Mikko Möttönen

T304 Dept. Applied Physics

Mikko's research interests cover a wide variety of topics in quantum physics and technology. For example, he has studied magnetic-monopole analogues in Bose-Einstein condensates and single-electron pumping in silicon quantum dots. Currently, he is most focused on superconducting electric circuits which he has used to demonstrate the most sensitive bolometer and a quantum-circuit refrigerator. The refrigerator can potentially be used to demonstrate efficient initialization of superconducting qubits, a work that is currently on going. For further details, see the web pages of Mikko's Quantum Computing and Devices group: http://physics.aalto.fi/en/groups/qcd/

Full researcher profile
[email protected]


Honorary Doctor of Technology

An honorary doctorate is a title granted to especially accomplished persons in recognition of their achievements.
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Applied Physics Jan 2022

Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2020

The Nokia Foundation Recognition Award celebrates individuals who have made significant and lasting contributions to the advancement of information and communications technologies. The award is granted to a single recipient every year.<br/><br/>The recognition, which is presented to individuals working in Finland or globally, carries with it a 10,000 € monetary prize. In addition to the financial award, Nokia Foundation promotes and facilitates the visibility of the awardee and the achievement.<br/><br/>While there is no formal application process available for the Nokia Foundation Recognition Award, third party independent proposals are welcome for consideration.
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Applied Physics Nov 2020

Väisälä Prize 2020

Annual science prize awarded by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Applied Physics Dec 2020

Innovation Professor of the Year 2021

The CTO of the Year Awards are given by Technology Industries of Finland, Business Finland and innovation consulting company Spinverse to highlight the importance of Chief Technology Officers’ work on the future competitiveness of Finnish industry. This year, also the work of Innovation Professors collaborating with companies was recognised. The awards were published and given on the 16th of February 2021 at the CTO Forum, an event which this year was themed around digitalisation and sustainability.
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Applied Physics Feb 2021


  • Quantum Computing and Devices, Professor


Single-shot readout of a superconducting qubit using a thermal detector

Andras Gunyho, Suman Kundu, Jian Ma, Wei Liu, Sakari Niemelä, Giacomo Catto, Vasilii Vadimov, Visa Vesterinen, Priyank Singh, Qiming Chen, Mikko Möttönen 2024 Nature Electronics

Quantum error correction under numerically exact open-quantum-system dynamics

Aravind Babu, Tuure Orell, Vasilii Vadimov, Wallace Teixeira, Mikko Möttönen, Matti Silveri 2023 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH

Observation of an Alice ring in a Bose–Einstein condensate

Alina Blinova, Roberto Zamora-Zamora, Tuomas Ollikainen, Markus Kivioja, Mikko Möttönen, David S. Hall 2023 Nature Communications

Propagating quantum microwaves : towards applications in communication and sensing

Mateo Casariego, Emmanuel Zambrini Cruzeiro, Stefano Gherardini, Tasio Gonzalez-Raya, Rui André, Gonçalo Frazão, Giacomo Catto, Mikko Möttönen, Debopam Datta, Klaara Viisanen, Joonas Govenius, Mika Prunnila, Kimmo Tuominen, Maximilian Reichert, Michael Renger, Kirill G. Fedorov, Frank Deppe, Harriet van der Vliet, A. J. Matthews, Yolanda Fernández, R. Assouly, R. Dassonneville, B. Huard, Mikel Sanz, Yasser Omar 2023 Quantum Science and Technology

Compact inductor-capacitor resonators at sub-gigahertz frequencies

Qi-Ming Chen, Priyank Singh, Rostislav Duda, Giacomo Catto, Aarne Keränen, Arman Alizadeh, Timm Mörstedt, Aashish Sah, Andras Gunyho, Wei Liu, Mikko Möttönen 2023 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH

Cryogenic sensor enabling broad-band and traceable power measurements

J. P. Girard, R. E. Lake, W. Liu, R. Kokkoniemi, E. Visakorpi, J. Govenius, M. Möttönen 2023 Review of Scientific Instruments

Evolution and decay of an Alice ring in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate

Markus Kivioja, Roberto Zamora-Zamora, Alina Blinova, Sanna Mönkölä, Tuomo Rossi, Mikko Möttönen 2023 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH

Long-Distance Transmon Coupler with cz -Gate Fidelity above 99.8 %

Fabian Marxer, Antti Vepsäläinen, Shan W. Jolin, Jani Tuorila, Alessandro Landra, Caspar Ockeloen-Korppi, Wei Liu, Olli Ahonen, Adrian Auer, Lucien Belzane, Ville Bergholm, Chun Fai Chan, Kok Wai Chan, Tuukka Hiltunen, Juho Hotari, Eric Hyyppä, Joni Ikonen, David Janzso, Miikka Koistinen, Janne Kotilahti, Tianyi Li, Jyrgen Luus, Miha Papic, Matti Partanen, Jukka Räbinä, Jari Rosti, Mykhailo Savytskyi, Marko Seppälä, Vasilii Sevriuk, Eelis Takala, Brian Tarasinski, Manish J. Thapa, Francesca Tosto, Natalia Vorobeva, Liuqi Yu, Kuan Yen Tan, Juha Hassel, Mikko Möttönen, Johannes Heinsoo 2023 PRX Quantum

Exceptional-point-assisted entanglement, squeezing, and reset in a chain of three superconducting resonators

Wallace S. Teixeira, Vasilii Vadimov, Timm Mörstedt, Suman Kundu, Mikko Möttönen 2023 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH