Kaisa Västilä

Kaisa Västilä

Academy Postdoctoral Researcher
Academy Postdoctoral Researcher
T213 Built Environment
Academy Postdoctoral Researcher
Water and Environmental Eng.

I research the flow of water and the transport of sediment and nutrients in rivers, streams and ditches, with a special focus on developing and assessing environmentally friendly solutions in river and agricultural water management. I am particularly interested in the complex interactions between flow, vegetation and riverine transport and retention processes.

I am currently working in my Academy Postdoctoral Research project entitled “Nature-based solutions for river engineering: coupling vegetation hydrodynamics with sedimentary nutrient processes (NBS-VEGE-NUTRI)” funded by the Academy of Finland (1 Sep 2020 – 31 August 2023). The project aims at improving the understanding on the nutrient retention and processing on man-made floodplains of compound (two-stage) channels, and on integrating findings of the laboratory and field studies into hydrodynamic modeling. The knowledge produced supports the optimal design and maintenance of sustainable river engineering solutions.

My current main international collaborators include Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, University of Sheffield, Deltares, Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

My current main national collaborators are University of Helsinki and the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), including the Samassa vedessä and Valumavesi projects.

Please, check my Aalto People site for information on past activities: https://people.aalto.fi/kaisa.vastila

Full researcher profile
[email protected]
Tietotie 1 E 02150 Espoo Finland


  • Water and Environmental Eng., Academy Postdoctoral Researcher


Blockage effect of emergent riparian vegetation patches on river flow

Inhyeok Bae, Un Ji, Juha Järvelä, Kaisa Västilä 2024

Influence of vegetation maintenance on flow and mixing : case study comparing fully cut with high-coverage conditions

Monika Barbara Kalinowska, Kaisa Västilä, Michael Nones, Adam Kiczko, Emilia Karamuz, Andrzej Brandyk, Adam Kozioł, Marcin Krukowski 2023

Flow and wake characteristics associated with riparian vegetation patches: Results from field-scale experiments

Gerardo Caroppi, Kaisa Västilä, Juha Järvelä, Chanjoo Lee, Un Ji, Hyung Suk Kim, Sungjung Kim 2022

Longitudinal dispersion affected by willow patches of low areal coverage

Kaisa Västilä, Jungsun Oh, Fred Sonnenwald, Un Ji, Juha Järvelä, Inhyeok Bae, Ian Guymer 2022

Flow resistance of floodplain vegetation mixtures for modelling river flows

Walter Box, Juha Järvelä, Kaisa Västilä 2021

Comparison of Flexible and Rigid Vegetation Induced Shear Layers in Partly Vegetated Channels

Gerardo Caroppi, Kaisa Västilä, Paola Gualtieri, Juha Järvelä, Maurizio Giugni, Paweł M. Rowiński 2021

Agricultural water management using two-stage channels : Performance and policy recommendations based on Northern European experiences

Kaisa Västilä, Sari Väisänen, Jari Koskiaho, Virpi Lehtoranta, Krister Karttunen, Mikko Kuussaari, Juha Järvelä, Kauko Koikkalainen 2021

Floodplain flow resistance in case of a sparse mixture of plants at low relative submergences

Walter Box, Juha Järvelä, Kaisa Västilä 2020 River Flow 2020 : Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (Delft, Netherlands, 7-10 July 2020)

Acoustic Doppler velocimetry (ADV) data on flow-vegetation interaction with natural-like and rigid model plants in hydraulic flumes

Gerardo Caroppi, Kaisa Västilä, Paola Gualtieri, Juha Järvelä, Maurizio Giugni, Paweł M. Rowiński 2020

Maatalousalueiden virtavesien tilan parantaminen : menetelmiä ja suosituksia

Turo Hjerppe, Liisa Hämäläinen, Saija Koljonen, Jukka Jormola, Henna Raitanen, Kaisa Västilä 2020

Large-scale experiments for vegetated flows with different types of vegetation patch layouts

Un Ji, Inhyeok Bae, Juha Järvelä, Kaisa Västilä, Hyungsuk Kim, Chanjoo Lee 2020 River Flow 2020 : Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (Delft, Netherlands, 7-10 July 2020)

Modelling of velocity distribution in a channel partly covered by submerged vegetation

Monika B. Kalinowska, Kaisa Västilä, Adam Koziol, Paweł M. Rowiński, Adam Kiczko, Janusz Kubrak 2020 Recent Trends in Environmental Hydraulics

Predicting discharge capacity of vegetated compound channels : Uncertainty and identifiability of one-dimensional process-based models

Adam Kiczko, Kaisa Västilä, Adam Koziol, Janusz Kubrak, Elżbieta Kubrak, Marcin Krukowski 2020

Flume investigations using natural-like vegetation with a view on fine sediment processes

Walter Box, Kaisa Västilä, Juha Järvelä 2019 Proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress

Comparative analysis of lateral shear layers induced by flexible and rigid vegetation in a partly vegetated channel

Gerardo Caroppi, Kaisa Västilä, Paola Gualtieri, Juha Järvelä, Maurizio Giugni, Paweł Rowiński 2019 Proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress

Turbulence at water-vegetation interface in open channel flow: Experiments with natural-like plants

Gerardo Caroppi, Kaisa Västilä, Juha Järvelä, Paweł Rowiński, Maurizio Giugni 2019

Physical modelling of shrub-willow patches in prototype scale

Un Ji, Myeonghui Ahn, Juha Järvelä, Hyungsuk Kim, Eunkyung Jang, Jungeun Gu, Kaisa Västilä 2019 Proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress

Solute transport in complex natural flows

Monika B. Kalinowska, Kaisa Västilä, Paweł M. Rowiński 2019

Special issue on Solute transport in complex natural flows

Monika B. Kalinowska, Kaisa Västilä, Paweł M. Rowiński 2019

Measurement of lateral and wake flows associated with stream-scale willow patches

Kaisa Västilä, Chanjoo Lee, Donggu Kim, Sungjung Kim, Jongmin Kim, Juha Järvelä 2019 Proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress

Flume measurement of suspended sediment concentrations using high-accuracy turbidity sensors in vegetated flows

Juha Järvelä, Walter Box, Kaisa Västilä 2018 Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics

How vegetation can aid in coping with river management challenges : A brief review

Paweł M. Rowiński, Kaisa Västilä, Jochen Aberle, Juha Järvelä, Monika B. Kalinowska 2018

Correction to

Kaisa Västilä, Juha Järvelä 2018

Flume measurements on the lateral diffusion of suspended sediment between flexible vegetation and open water

Kaisa Västilä, Juha Järvelä, Paweł Rowiński 2017 Proc. Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods Conference, 9-13 July 2017, Durham, NH, US

Luonnonmukainen vesirakentaminen peruskuivatuksessa

Juha Järvelä, Kaisa Västilä 2016 Sven Hallinin tutkimussäätiö 70 vuotta

Flow-Vegetation-Sediment Interaction in a Cohesive Compound Channel

Kaisa Västilä, Juha Järvelä, Harri Koivusalo 2016

Vegetation characteristics and floodplain topography from terrestrial laser scanning for hydraulic analyses

Johanna Jalonen, Juha Järvelä, Kaisa Västilä 2015 36th IAHR World Congress, 28 June 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands

Effect of floodplain vegetation on flow and transport of cohesive particles in an environmental two-stage channel

Kaisa Västilä, Juha Järvelä, Johanna Jalonen 2015 36th IAHR World Congress, 28 June 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands

Hienojakoisen sedimentin kulkeutuminen ja kasautuminen maatalousuomissa

Niina Siitonen, Kaisa Västilä, Juha Järvelä 2013

Foliage and stem drag: comparison between four riparian species

Kaisa Västilä, Juha Järvelä 2012 2nd IAHR Europe Congress, Munich, 27.-29. June 2012

Cohesive sediment dynamics in a vegetated two-stage drainage channel: the first year after floodplain excavation

Kaisa Västilä, Juha Järvelä 2011 7th International Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, RCEM 2011, 6.9.-8.9.2011, Beijing, China

Sedimenttiprosessien vaikutukset luonnonmukaisten uomien suunnitteluun

Kaisa Västilä, Johanna Jalonen, Juha Järvelä 2011

Vegetative drag in natural, foliated plant stands

Kaisa Västilä, Juha Järvelä, Jochen Aberle, Thomas Schoneboom 2011 34th IAHR World Congress, 26.6.-1.7.2011, Brisbane, Australia

Climate change and water resources in the Lower Mekong River Basin: putting adaptation into the context

Marko Keskinen, Suppakorn Chinvanno, Matti Kummu, Paula Nuorteva, Anond Snidvongs, Olli Varis, Kaisa Västilä 2010

Cohesive sediment processes in vegetated flows: preliminary field study results

Kaisa Västilä 2010 River Flow 2010 conference, 810 September 2010, Braunschweig, Germany

Hydraulic and sediment considerations in designing environmentally preferable drainage channels: experiences from a field demonstration site

Kaisa Västilä, Juha Järvelä 2010 International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2010, 1216 September 2010, Seoul, Korea

Modelling climate change impacts on the flood pulse in the Lower Mekong floodplains

Kaisa Västilä, Matti Kummu, C. Sangmanee, Suppakorn Chinvanno 2010

Water and Climate Change in the Lower Mekong Basin: Diagnosis & recommendations for adaptation

Marko Keskinen, Suppakorn Chinvanno, Matti Kummu, Paula Nuorteva, Anond Snidvongs, Olli Varis, Kaisa Västilä 2009