
Unique program in Engineering Psychology is built on technology and understanding humans

Graduates from Engineering Psychology can work as experts in human artificial intelligence or as developers of electronic health services. Applications for the new Finnish-language major will begin in spring 2022.
Applied psychology. Picture: Matti Ahlgren, Aalto University.
Graduates can later work as experts in human AI, as developers of electronic health services, or as experts in acoustics or usability. Picture: Matti Ahlgren, Aalto University.

In autumn 2022, a new bachelor's level education in Engineering Psychology will begin at Aalto University, combining psychology, science and technology. The teaching will take place under the leadership of internationally respected researchers. The education emerged from the need to explore and solve more widely the complex problems of the world, to equalise the technology sector and to make the design of technological innovations more human-oriented. You can apply for the Engineering Psychology major in the joint national application process for spring 2022. Engineering Psychology is a Finnish-language major.

Professor of computer science, Janne Lindqvist, is responsible for the new degree programme of Engineering Psychology, and will teach practical research methods and people’s experiences and choices related to information security.

‘Top researchers and professionals of human-centred technology work as teachers in the new degree programme. The psychology courses will be practical and applied, not forgetting the basics.’

Kuva: Unto Rautio
Photo: Unto Rautio.

Graduates from the new subject will have strong competence and understanding of both technology and human behaviour. There are several possible careers due to the extent of the programme. Graduates can later work as experts in human AI, as developers of electronic health services, or as experts in acoustics or usability.

Engineering Psychology is studied in Finnish. However, Professor Elisa Mekler will lead the students to studies in technical psychology in English. Mekler’s background is in psychology, and at Aalto, she is researching games and motivation.

Professor Iiro Jääskeläinen is responsible for the course in biological psychology. Jääskeläinen uses films and virtual reality to study, for example, emotional responses, social perception and the formation of prejudices in the brain.

Senior University Lecturer Sari Kujala will teach the social psychology course. Kujala has studied, for example, the user experience and digital health care services.

Professor Ville Pulkki, on the other hand, will teach psychoacoustics, that is, how humans perceive sound. Psychoacoustics is part of communication acoustics, which includes the production, recording, transmission, repetition and detection of sound.

You can apply for the Engineering Psychology degree studies in the national spring joint application process, 16–30 March 2022.

Further information:

Teknillinen psykologia

Teknillinen psykologia, tekniikan kandidaatti ja diplomi-insinööri

Teknillisen psykologian hakukohde tarjoaa Suomessa täysin ainutlaatuisen opintokokonaisuuden. Opiskelijat pääsevät opinnoissaan yhdistämään psykologiaa, luonnontieteitä ja tekniikkaa kansainvälisesti arvostettujen huippututkijoiden johdolla. Valmistuneet pääsevät työskentelemään mielenkiintoisten haasteiden ytimessä, esimerkiksi suunnittelemaan entistä ihmisläheisempiä ja inklusiivisempia teknologisia innovaatioita.


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