
Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland donates EUR 125,000 to Aalto University

Aalto University is one of the universities receiving funds from the Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland under the Finnish Government’s matched-funding scheme.
Studenter på kampus
Photo: Unto Rautio

‘We must take measures to promote both the performance and diversity of Swedish-language universities. This is our way of showing how important university education and research are for the Swedish-speaking Finland’, says the Swedish Cultural Foundation’s Chair Mikaela Nylander.

‘We are extremely happy and grateful that the Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland is making a donation to Aalto University under the matched-funding scheme. We will use the funds to support the Swedish-language activities at Aalto, which is an important goal in itself, but it also lays a foundation for enhanced co-operation with the other Nordic universities’, says President of Aalto University Ilkka Niemelä.

‘Participating in the fundraising campaign is a way for us to spend the Cultural Foundation’s money effectively. By supporting universities directly we are also making sure that the state will make public investments in Swedish-language education’, says Mikaela Nylander.

The Government of Finland has decided to support Finnish universities by means of a matched-funding scheme, which means that the state will apply a certain additional coefficient to match each euro that is privately donated to universities between 15 June 2020 and 30 June 2022.

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Teppo Heiskanen

Teppo Heiskanen

Johtaja, Kumppanuudet ja yritysyhteistyö
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