
Suggest a name for Otakaari 2A building

Aalto University is looking for a descriptive name for the new Otakaari 2A building. The name competition is open to everyone, and name proposals can be submitted during 10 March - 10 May 2022
Illustration image of a spring or summer view from Otakaari towards Väre, Otakaari 2B on the right side of the image, sun is shining, there are flowers in bloom on the left of the image. Lots of people walking, cycling and interacting near the building.
Illustration image: SARC Architects

Aalto University is constructing two new buildings in the middle of the campus at Otakaari 2A and Otakaari 2B. Construction began in February 2022 and is scheduled to be completed by summer 2023. Aalto launched a naming competition open to all to find a name for one of the buildings, Otakaari 2A. The competition is open from 10 March to 10 May 2022. Aalto University organises a naming competition open to anyone for the first time.

Approximately 6,500 brm2 of state-of-the-art multifunctional space for teaching, research, events and a studio centre will be completed at Otakaari 2A. Otakaari 2A's facilities will be equipped with new digital technologies that enable cross-disciplinary research and teaching, and will take Aalto's events to a new level, both on campus and virtually.

Showcasing the university

The aim of the new building is to showcase Aalto's unique research and teaching both in Finland and internationally. In addition to the facilities serving Aalto's users, the building will have space for a restaurant and event service operators.  

The building will serve all of Aalto University and our key stakeholders, providing a platform that enables radical creativity, experimentation and novel thinking. 

We are looking for an iconic name with a global audience in mind, something that would bring alive the special characteristics of this building. Ideally, it would be an easily pronounceable name that would work quite universally, taking into account the diversity of our community and stakeholders. However, the suggestions can also include separate Finnish, English and Swedish name options. 

Suggest a name by 10 May 2022

More information
Anastasia McAvennie (competition)
Visitor Experience Specialist
[email protected]
p. 050 476 7595

Noora Stapleton (interviews, media) 
Senior Communications Specialist
[email protected]
p. 050 353 1525
Developer: Aalto University Campus & Real Estate
Design: SARC Architects 
Contractor: NCC Finland

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Naming competition for Otakaari 2A

Otakaari 2A naming competition

Suggest a name to one of the newest buildings on campus by 10 May 2022

Illustration image of a spring or summer view from Otakaari towards Väre, Otakaari 2B on the right side of the image, sun is shining, there are flowers in bloom on the left of the image. Lots of people walking, cycling and interacting near the building.

Otakaari 2A and 2B construction will start 21 February

Otakaari 2A and 2B construction will start during February.

Illustration image depicting what Otakaari 2 could look like, people walking and cycling near Otakaari and Maarintie, man with sunglasses looks to the viewer, its sunny and there's an event in the corner of the building

Otakaari 2: Marsio and Kide

Building of Marsio & Kide began in February 2022, to be completed in 2023-2024

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