
Showcasing female architects and their works

Finnish Architects Saija Hollmén, Jenni Reuter and Helena Sandman are featured in ‘’100 Women: Architects in Practice’’ book presenting female architects and their works all over the world.
Hollmen Reuter Sandman Architects' Women's Centre in Senegal
Womens' Centre in Senegal, designed by Hollmén Reuter Sandman architects

Professors at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture Saija Hollmén and Jenni Reuter together with architect Helena Sandman were recently featured in a book called ‘’100 Women: Architects in Practice’’ (RIBA Publishing). The book showcases the stories of 100 women currently making their mark in the architectural world.

Women within architecture have always been underrepresented. The book provides a flagship reference for women's contribution to architecture, offering inspiration through 100 profiles. The book explores “the different worlds, different forms of architecture and the place-sensitive approaches” each architect has taken to fulfil their vision.

Finnish-based architects are featured for their humanitarian architecture. Their works have been honoured with both national and international awards and have been published and exhibited widely.

‘We use architecture for empowerment. A good environment is a basic human right. At best, architecture can create the hope that is needed for a better life”, says the trio.

The architects started their collaboration in 1995 with the Women’s Centre project in Senegal. This was followed by other international projects and setting up the NGO Ukumbi in 2007, a nonprofit organization, offering architectural services to communities in need.

Hollmén Reuter Sandman architects
Jenni Reuter (left), Helena Sandman and Saija Hollmén. Photo: Hollmén Reuter Sandman architects

Hollmén Reuter Sandman's work is guided by the principles of ecological, social and aesthetic sustainability. Local and recycled materials that are appropriate to the climate of the site are important starting points for all designs. The trio underlines the importance of knowing the surrounding culture and expertise and always works together with the users of the building and local specialists.

Today, their activities span from interiors to urban planning. Apart from working as visiting critics and lecturers all over the world, the architects also teach at the Aalto University.

Read more:

‘’100 Women: Architects in Practice’’ book 

Wallpaper article 

Hostels for School girls project in Tanzania by Hollmén Reuter Sandman Architects_Architecture of Necessity Award 2022

Architecture of Necessity Award to Hollmén Reuter Sandman Architects

The project presents systemic approach in sustainable architecture

Jenni Reuter_photo: Veera Konsti

Architecture Activism (external link)

Architecture is service stemming from understanding people and their surroundings.

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