
Näytös21 fashion show made an impact also online

The main prize winner is Jenny Hytönen, also Sofia Ilmonen and Juha Vehmaanperä were awarded. Aalto fashion students’ fashion show, held online for the first time, offered an inspiring experience to a wider audience than earlier.
Näytös21-voittaja Jenny Hytösen mallisto yhdistää kristalleilla kirjailtuja, läpinäkyviä verkkokankaita ja vahvasti niititettyä nahkaa.
Jenny Hytönen's collection. Photo: Sofia Okkonen / Aalto University

The Näytös21 Award was given to Jenny Hytönen. Her collection is based on a combination of crystal-embroidered, transparent mesh fabrics and heavily riveted leather, a contrast of sensitivity and roughness.

‘This work has truly impressed us. Its material choices are well balanced between heavy, even rough materials and more delicate see-through meshes, all of which manipulated beautifully, emphasizing their characters. The silhouette is strong with attitude, simultaneously seemingly aggressive and yet poetic. The work is very mature and seems personal. We are all really looking forward to seeing and following the designer’s next steps,’ the jury reasons.

The international jury members were Tamara Rothstein, London based Stylist, Heikki Salonen, Creative Director MM6 Maison Margiela and Designer Kaisa Kinnunen, Studio Showroom Manager Celine.

Sofia Ilmonen's modular collection received both the Marimekko Award and the award of the Finnish Textile and Fashion (STJM). The Marimekko award came from the strong concept and very high quality of the collection. STJM praised the collection’s brilliant and innovative modular approach to pattern-making. Ilmonen’s dress collection consists of square modules attached together with 3D-printed buttons. The dresses can be modified and the order of the modules can be changed by the buttons.

Juha Vehmaanperä was awarded the Fiskars Award, for repurposing materials, finding sustainability, and bringing joy. Their collection is largely hand-crafted and emphasizes genderlessness.

Sustainability and responsibility are emphasized

The annual fashion show of Aalto University's fashion students was seen online this year. The production was carried out in a professionally stylish, spectacular way. The models walking in the emptiness of a white background created the impression of a catwalk. The spaciousness left room for the impressive visuals of the collections. With tickets to the fashion show event sold out in an instant in previous years, the online event was open and accessible to everyone. The world-class fashion show entered our living-rooms.

Last year, the Näytös fashion show was canceled due to the corona pandemic, so now there were student collections presented from two years. The division into women's and men's clothing collections had disappeared this year, and genderlessness was also emphasized in the model choices: there is no separate women's and men's clothing, the users choose their own identity. Many of the fabrics in the collections are also entirely made by the students themselves.

‘The pandemic hasn’t just limited young people’s working conditions. It has also enabled them to focus on creative work and come up with new ideas. Today there is greater attention on finding more durable and responsible working models,’ says Professor Pirjo Hirvonen of Aalto University.

Näytös21 is the annual graduate fashion show of BA and MA students of Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture fashion program.

Students presented this year: Johannes Ahlfors, Markus Anttonen, Venla Elonsalo, Marina Gavrilenko, Elina Heilanen, Aleksandra Hellberg, Hanna Herva, Jenny Hytönen, Leevi Ikäheimo, Sofia Ilmonen, Iris Kareoja, Janette Laakso, Sophia Linden, Ville Pölhö, Toivo Rajala, Joona Rautiainen, Laura Rusanen, Susanna Saarikko & Petra Lehtinen, Sini Saavala, Sami Samaletdin & Timur Samarskiy, Anna Sarasoja, Anna Semi, Julia Strandman, Autuas Ukkonen, Juha Vehmaanperä, Jere Vilo, Boram Yoo and Arttu Åfeldt.

You can find Näytös21 video and the collections presented at

Seminar, exhibitions and installations

Näytös21 was part of Fashion in Helsinki week (22-30 May), during which fashion-related exhibitions and installations were also on display in the center of Helsinki. The Fashion Seminar provided expert speeches and discussion on different approaches related to fashion, such as the creativity and quality of fashion, as well as inclusion and identity.

Aalto Fashion 21 exhibition showcases the works from Aalto University's Näytös21 fashion show as well as interviews with the young designers and the Näytös21. The exhibition is open until 6 June at Kämp Gallery, Mikonkatu 3. (Opening hours: Monday - Friday 11:00-19:00 / Saturday 11:00-18:00 / Sunday 12:00-16:00.)

For more information:

Aalto Fashion

Fashion in Helsinki 

Näytös21 fashion show poster

Aalto University's Näytös21 online this year

This year, Aalto University's fashion show Näytös21 will be held online. The collections of the young designers will be presented on Friday 28 May at 21:00 (EEST) at

vaatemallit seisovat metsän keskellä ja katsovat kameraan

Limitless, inexhaustible (external link)

Fashion resists attempts at definition and refuses to fit a mould. It’s a true hybrid, comprising countless different professions and specialisms.

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