
FITech's summer courses have been published - the application period starts now!

The application period for FITech's summer courses started today, on 4 April. There are over 100 courses available from the topics renewable energy, IT, and ICT. The courses are organised by Finnish universities of technology.
Decorative image.

Do you aspire to become an expert in renewable energy or battery industry, or would you perhaps want to learn a new programming language over the summer? Great news, that is possible! With FITech courses, you can also, for example, revise your skills in mathematics, learn about accessibility, and enhance your skills in continuous learning.

With FITech courses you can keep learning in the summer! There are over 100 free summer courses available. The courses are related to the topics of 5G technology, energy storage, hydrogen economy, ICT, and wind power. The courses are organised by Finnish universities of technology.

Nearly all courses can be studied flexibly online at one's own pace. Further instructions related to the completion of the course and potential prerequisities can be found from each course's own course page.

All FITech courses are free for Finns and people permanently living in Finland. The courses are organised by Finnish universities of technology.

The application period is now open. Find the most suitable courses for yourself through FITech's course search and apply soon!

You can read more about the application period of summer 2024 from FITech's news article.

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