
Aalto University's fashion show Näytös23 challenges norms and highlights non-discrimination in fashion

Aalto University's student fashion show Näytös23 will take place on the Otaniemi campus on Friday 26 May at 20:00. You can follow the invitation-only event on Instagram @aalto_fashion
Yleisöä Aalto-yliopiston Naytos18 -tapahtumassa kuva Mikko Raskinen
Näytös18 catwalk. Photo: Mikko Raskinen

The fashion industry is going through a period of significant change. Sustainability is becoming mainstream, and there is an increasing demand for social and societal responsibility, such as diversity and inclusion. The most skilled designers are not only expressing their creativity, but also working to create positive change in the sector.

At the end of May 2023, all eyes will be on Aalto University, which has established itself as a major player in the world of fashion, clothing and textiles. Aalto students' collections will be showcased at the annual fashion show. Näytös23 is undoubtedly one of the most important fashion events in Finland and part of the wider Fashion in Helsinki week.  

"This year again, the themes reiterate the sustainability of fashion. Recycled and reused materials are used in several collections. Alongside this, ideas of non-discrimination in fashion are highlighted. Young designers are taking a role in challenging body norms," says Ilona Hyötyläinen, head of the fashion bachelor programme.

The Näytös23 event is organised in collaboration with various teams at Aalto University. In addition to fashion students and teachers, Aalto sound design, the Aalto Studios media centre and the School's workshop masters have contributed to the planning and implementation of the event.

Näytös23 will showcase the collections of Aalto University's Master's and Bachelor's students. This year, the event will take place as an invitation-only event at the Otaniemi campus in the high-voltage hall at Otakaari 5. The event is free to follow via Instagram live stream at @aalto_fashion Background information and collections will be published on the website

In addition, the Bachelor students' own exhibition Aalto Fashion Collaborative Projects will be on display at Fabianinkatu 29 from 20 May to 1 June.

More information:

Aalto Fashion Collaborative Projects exhibition 
20 May -1 June 2023 at Fabianinkatu 29, Helsinki 
Mon-Sun 12-18

Fashion in Helsinki 24-27 May 2023

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