
Guest talk: Andreas Hellander "Federated learning from concept to real-world implementations - Addressing scalability, security and resilience in the FEDn framework"

Andreas Hellander from Uppsala University will give a guest talk at the CS-E4740 Federated Learning course.
Guest Talk tapahtumakuva

Monday 5 April 2024 at 16:15 in Zoom

Federated learning from concept to real-world implementations - Addressing scalability, security and resilience in the FEDn framework

Abstract: Scaleout develops the FEDn federated learning framework, with a goal to support developers in realizing federated learning use-case from initial proof-of-concepts to secure distributed deployments. We will provide an overview of some of the engineering challenges involved when moving from local simulation setups to real-world settings. Then we will look into architecture and implementation considerations with particular focus on the scalability challenge in federated learning. 

Speaker: Andreas Hellander is CEO and co-founder of Scaleout and Associate Professor of Scientific Computing at Uppsala University.

This guest talk is hosted by Associate Professor Alex Jung, Department of Computer Science.

Department of Computer Science

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Mahine Learning researchers working at Department of Computer Science in Aalto University
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