Study options

Advanced Materials for Innovation and Sustainability (EIT Raw Materials), Master of Science (Technology)

Students will acquire an understanding of the full raw materials value chain and create a mindset for innovation and entrepreneurship focusing on sustainability. The programme covers the following themes: substitution of critical or toxic materials in products and for optimized performance, material chain optimization for end-of-life products, and product and service design for the circular economy.


Master of Science (Technology)

Application period:

2 Nov 2023 – 26 Feb 2024

Language of instruction:



2 years, full-time


Relevant Bachelor's degree

Field of study:

Technology and Engineering


120 ECTS

Organising school:

School of Chemical Engineering


In the Master's Programme in Advanced Materials for Innovation and Sustainability (AMIS), students will acquire an understanding of the full raw materials value chain and create a mindset for innovation and entrepreneurship focusing on sustainability. The programme covers the following themes: substitution of critical or toxic materials in products and for optimized performance, material chain optimization for end-of-life products, and product and service design for the circular economy.

Student mobility is an integrated part of this programme, and students will study at two of the consortium partner universities. Upon completion of the two-year programme, students will receive a double degree.

The Grenoble INP is coordinating the application process for the programme.

If you have any questions about the application requirements or the application process, please visit the programme website and contact the coordinating university.

Language of instruction

Note that in this study option, the language of instruction is English.

Tuition fees and scholarships

*Non-EU/EEA Citizens: 8000€/academic year

**EU/EEA Citizens: 1000€/academic year

Local students: 0 € (= Bachelor's degree at Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering)

Please see the programme website for more information on programme fees and scholarships.

Structure of studies

Overall, the Master’s Programme Advanced Materials for Innovation and Sustainability (EIT Raw Materials) comprises a total of 120 ECTS credits. The two-year programme consists of:

  • Major and minor studies (90 ECTS)
  • Master’s thesis (30 ECTS)

More information on the programme content and curriculum can be found in the Student guide.

Master's Programme in Advanced Materials for Innovation and Sustainability


The programme is a double degree programme, which means that you will study at two European universities (and countries). The programme has an integrated technical content (technical major) and business content (Innovation & Entrepreneurship – I&E minor). The I&E minor is shared between all programmes. An integral part of the second year is a Master’s thesis (30 ECTS).

The double degree programme is implemented jointly by leading European universities. The students can select their favorite first (entry) and second (exit) year universities. Each university has a unique specialisation area, which allows students to select their own second year expert area.

Through studies in the AMIS programme, students will become experts in the field of raw materials, particularly in sustainable functional materials. Alongside, they will get a holistic view on value and process chain.

  • During the first year of studies (either at Aalto University, TU Darmstadt in Germany or Grenoble Institute of Technology, France), students build a body of skills and knowledge that puts them on fast track to becoming specialists in materials science and entrepreneurship. They will receive state-of-the art knowledge in functional and applied materials science (e.g. their elaboration, phase transformation, structure, microstructure and properties) together will fundamental principles and concepts of businesses and entrepreneurship strategy. The year is completed by a summer camp, jointly with all the other AMIS students, and internship in the field.
  • The second year of studies is completed either at Aalto University, TU Darmstadt in Germany, Grenoble Institute of Technology or University of Bordeaux in France, University of Liège in Belgium or University of Riga in Latvia.”. During the second year of studies, the students will acquire an in-depth understanding of some specialist topics in nanophysics, nanomaterials and functional materials. The specialization topic offered at Aalto University is Nanomaterials and Interfaces: Advanced Characterization and Modeling.

The name of the major students complete if first- or second-year studies are taken at Aalto University is Functional Materials for Global Challenges and minor subject Innovation and Entrepreneurship.


The Master’s Programme Advanced Materials for Innovation and Sustainability (EIT Raw Materials) is international by definition. Students will have study and life experience in at least two different universities. Studies are conducted in multicultural groups with people from very diverse backgrounds, each bringing in their unique individual skillset.

Further study opportunities

The programme provides eligibility for doctoral studies.

Career opportunities

Europe is amongst the world leaders in Materials Science. Statistics clearly point out that there is a strong need for highly trained engineers and researchers to work in this field.

Career options for the AMIS graduates include:

  • Academic career: scientist with high commercialization awareness, knowledge, and competences; someone who is aware of what is the value proposition and who is the customer and user of their scientific research; someone who can communicate effectively the commercial value of their scientific research.
  • Employment in a company operating in the field of raw materials: expert employee or manager whose actions and decisions influence the innovation output, value creation, and performance of the company (R&D, New Business Development functions).

The industrial partners of the AMIS programme are Arcelor Mittal, CEA, Fraunhofer, and IMEC.

Research focus

More information about the research:

Co-operation with other parties

Aalto University is well-known for bridging disciplines of business, arts, technology and science. The lively campus and freedom of choosing elective courses across the University bring students from different fields under one roof. This spontaneous multidisciplinary environment sparks new ideas, gathers enthusiasts around them and gives birth to friendships, networks, and every so often, startups.

A text logo for Amis
An image explaining all the partner universities of the programme

Admission to the AMIS programme

The AMIS programme has separate application periods and admission procedure. Further information on the admission is available on the programme website (

European institute of innovation and technology logo
EU funded EIT logo 2020

Contact information

School of Chemical Engineering

[email protected]

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