

The personnel may use the massage services in reasonable prices and on campus. The massage is provided by Tony Orkamo from Rela-hierojat alternating weekly between Maarintie 8 and Otakaari 1.


  • You can change or cancel the massage time booked for Tony Orkamo by contacting Tony directly by phone at 050 594 1179. Please note Massage times other than those booked for Tony can be changed/cancelled by contacting Rela-hierojat, more detailed information you find in the section Changing and cancelling the reservation below. The same terms of use are also observed in the massage appointments booked for Tony Orkamo.

Massage locations on Otaniemi campus

  • Maarintie 8 Recovery room 1167 (1st floor) 
  • Otakaari 1 D, Undergraduate Centre room H019(basement), take the stairs to the basement from Aino café.

Campus map, Maarintie 8 number 37 on the map and Otakaari 1 number 1.

Massages, prices and payment methods:

  • 25 minutes 23 euros
  • 50 minutes 46 euros.

The massage therapist has a payment terminal so you can pay for the massage with common debit / credit cards.

You can book a massage here, please remember check the location:

Please note: massage appointments on Otaniemi campus are available in the booking systems of Maarintie 8 and Otakaari 1.

Rela-hierojat offers massage appointments for Aalto's employees in their clinics as follows:

  • 25 minutes 22 euros
  • 50 minutes 42 euros.

Booking a massage appointment in Rela-hierojat clinics:

When booking a massage appointment (25 min or 50 min) in a clinic of Rela-hierojat, write in the box Customer / Other information: Aalto University special rate (Aalto-yliopisto sopimushinta) and/or show your Aalto card at the clinic.

You can pay for the Rela clinics with common debit / credit cards, paying by cash is also possible.

Changing and cancelling the reservation

You can change or cancel the reservation 12 hours before your appointment:

  • by phone number 0400 635333 (open Monday to Friday at 9 to 17)
  • by using your reservation code in the booking system or
  • Rela-hierojat (only in Finnish).

Please note: massage appointments on Otaniemi campus are available in the booking system of Maarintie 8 and Otakaari 1.

Unisport massage services also available - see more information here.

Perks and benefits for personnel

Human Resource (HR) services contact details

Contact details to Human Resources (HR) services for Joint University services as well as for HR units at Schools and Departments.

People biking in front of Väre and ABloc
This service is provided by:

HR Services

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