
The latest NewSilk article identifies touchpoints between material science, synthetic biology, design and art

In the article we discuss the initial experimental touchpoints between material science, synthetic biology, design and art encountered during the project’s first year.
NEWSILK Workshop 02 / Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto
NEWSILK Workshop 02 / Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto

New Silk aims to produce new types of silk-like materials in the context of synthetic biology. In the article NEW SILK: Studying Experimental Touchpoints between Material Science, Synthetic Biology, Design and Art (2018) we discuss the initial experimental touchpoints between material science, synthetic biology, design and art encountered during the project’s first year. Firstly, the study shows that shared material experiences in the setting of workshops build foundational understanding of perceived material agency leading to discussion on material activity and research ethics. Secondly, our research identified that all of these disciplines, material science, synthetic biology, design and art, approach materials research through experimental methods, even if the goal of the research differs in each discipline.

Niinimäki, K., Groth, C. & Kääriäinen, P. (2018). NEW SILK: Studying Experimental Touchpoints between Material Science, Synthetic Biology, Design and Art. Temes de Disseny, 34, 32-41.

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