Summer jobs (Research assistant positions) at the Department of Communications and Networking (Comnet)
Positions for summer 2018 are here.
Comnet is a multi-disciplinary unit of research and higher education covering communications and networking technology, networking business and human aspects of communication and communications technology. In its area, Comnet is the largest unit in . Comnet develops communications, information and teletraffic theory and conducts fundamental and applied experimental research in communications and networking technology. In shaping the Internet technology it is a significant force internationally.*
Comnet has 11 professors, 107 employees and turnover of 7,3 M€. Approximately 55 MSc students and 10 PhD students get their degrees annually.
Join us to learn new technology!
We offer you a dynamic working environment and a ringside seat for the communication systems and networks research. Summer jobs are also an ideal way of gaining work experience along with study credits. Students without a Bachelor’s degree should have at least 100 credits by the beginning of June 2017. Salary basis: Job demand level 1 & number of credits in transcript. Maximum duration of the summer work contract is June 1st - August 31st, 2017.
Applications should be sent to following email address: [email protected].
Email subject must be: Summer job 2017 nr. [Job number]
For example applications for Development of Online Learning Environment for Aalto, task B, subject would be: Summer job 2017 nr. 1B.
The applications can be written in English, Finnish or Swedish.
Your application should include:
- Short informal cover with justification why you are the person we are looking for,
- CV
- OODI transcript of records.
If you apply for more than one position please send a separate email for each position.
Closing date: February 28th, 2017, by 3 p.m.
1. Development of Online Learning Environment for Aalto (3 positions)
TIM is an online learning environment recently adopted in some courses at Aalto. TIM allows integrated online material and exercises together with interactive examples that students can experiment with, to provide more efficient learning experience. The TIM system is co-developed with its original authors at the University of Jyväskylä.
During 2017 we are planning further improvements to TIM, for example, for better usability and user interface, and better integration with Aalto systems. We are also further developing the course materials and assignments for the following courses using TIM:
- ELEC-A7200 Signaalit ja Järjestelmät
- ELEC-A7150 C++ Programming
- ELEC-A7100 C-ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi
- ELEC-C7241 Tietokoneverkot
We are looking for candidates on following tasks:
Development of online material and exercises for ELEC-A7200 Signaalit ja Järjestelmät. You will work together with the course teachers to create modern, interactive online material for course based on the TIM platform. You have also passed the course with sufficient grade and understand core concepts taught on the course. This position requires good Finnish skills.
Further development of TIM online platform, for the above mentioned enhancements. This task requires good understanding of Python and Flask web development framework. You should also understand web development (CSS, javascript, etc.). Understanding Docker container framework and Linux system management is also a benefit. You will collaborate with other TIM developers at Aalto University and University of Jyväskylä
Development of exercise test subsystem for the C++ and C programming courses. The system will test and evaluate student submissions and feed back the results to TIM, while giving informative output about the test results. This task requires good understanding of C and C++ and some understanding of Unix process management.
In all above tasks, we expect that you are proactive, committed to the agreed goals and schedules, and have good communication skills. Having ideas about teaching and its development is a merit, too.
In your application cover letter, indicate which task(s) you are primarly interested about.
- Riku Jäntti [email protected] (A)
- Pasi Sarolahti [email protected] (B, C)
2. Renewing the Laboratory Course in Internet Technologies (1 position)
Student laboratory at Comnet provides opportunities students to have their hands dirty with real networking hardware. To get the best learning opportunities for our students, we both develop new tasks and improve existing ones. We would like you to have a good knowledge of networking technology (at least courses S-38.2188 and S-38.2121 or ELEC-C7240 or equivalent knowledge). You should be able to work with real devices (routers, Linux, FreeBSD, Windows) and produce good documentation. Previous experience of measurements (e.g., from laboratory courses ELEC-E7330, S-38.2131 and S-38.3133) is also valued highly.
- Juha Järvinen [email protected]
3. Developing exercises for the radio communication laboratory works (1 position)
During this summer job, your task is to prepare laboratory work for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) communication system. In Comnet we have measurement equipment and software radios that support multiple antenna transmissions and receptions. In this work your task is to design measurement set up and corresponding exercises for the laboratory work. The laboratory work will contain two parts: in the first part the MIMO system properties are illustrated with help of high precision measurement equipment, in the second part we demonstrate MIMO communication on low cost USRP based software radio platform.
You are expected to have a solid knowledge of radio transmission methods e.g. courses ELEC-C7320 Software Defined Radio (Ohjelmistoradio) or ELEC-C7230 Transmission Methods in Communication Systems (Tietoliikenteen siirtomenetelmät) and good writing skills.
- Kalle Ruttik, [email protected]
- Viktor Nässi [email protected]
4. Developing narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) base station software (1 position)
In this summer work you will join a 5 person team that is developing a NB-IoT base station and user equipment software. The whole system is developed as software radio by using USRP units as radio frontends and full baseband processing is located in Linux PC. The system is developed in C++ programming language. Your task will be to help to develop and test network level (radio link control) functions. You are expected to be familiar with C or C++ programming language and to have basic knowledge of radio communication systems.
- Kalle Ruttik, [email protected]
5. Development of new Engineering for Humans course (1 position)
We are looking for candidate who will help prepare the course material and the assignments for the new Engineering for Humans course to be held in Spring 2018. This course is designed to provide undergraduate students in all areas of engineering with a solid understanding of human factors relevant in the design and engineering of complex systems for human use. Course contents cover theories and models of biomechanics, human performance, manual control, human error, and workload.
You will be working in collaboration with User Interfaces research group (see and you are supposed to have completed ELEC-E7851 Computational User Interface Design course.
The precise tasks of this position will be chosen together with the candidate.
- Antti Oulasvirta, [email protected]
6. Development of Agent-Based Modeling (1 position)
We are developing our capabilities to utilize Agent-Based Modeling (ABM, see e.g., Wikipedia) in analyzing communication networks and services. Our aim is to build a modular ABM-simulation tool for research and educational purposes. Your job could be general tool development or more specific development of modules related to user experience, customer behavior, sharing of radio resources, or operator business. Depending on the level of your programming skills, your job can be focused more on software or model development; in any case, coding is an integral part of your task. Familiarity with communications networks and services and/or economic models is a clear advantage.
- Kalevi Kilkki, [email protected]
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