
This page collects all events. Please click the link below for the university's highlighted news and events together with other interesting current contents

News and events webpage

Public defences

Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Radio Engineering, M.Sc.(Tech.) Veli-Pekka Kutinlahti

Antenna mutual coupling and amplifier effects in transmission (title of the thesis)
Dual robotic arm system dynamically manipulating a cloth where M.Sc. David Blanco-Mulero is visualising a 3D representation of t
Public defences

Public defence in Automation, Systems and Control Engineering, M.Sc. David Blanco-Mulero

Towards Efficient Robotic Manipulation of Deformable Objects by Learning Dynamics Models and Adaptive Policies (title of the thesis)
The image does not represent anyting, it has golden, brown, blue, black and turquoise under the see like structures.
Public defences

Public defence from the Department of Art and Media, MFA Jaana Okulov

Quantifying Qualia – Aesthetic Machine Attention in Resisting the Objectifying Tendency of Thought (title of the thesis)
Guest Talk tapahtumakuva
Lectures and seminars

Lecture 1 - Amr El Abbadi: Towards Scalable and Practical Privacy Preserving Information Retrieval

Amr El Abbadi from University of California at Santa Barbara will give a tutorial of two lectures at the Department of Computer Science.
Researcher looking at a reserch device.

News and events

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