
Public defence in Engineering Physics, M.Sc. Sanaz Zarabi Golkhatmi

Inkjet printing potentials in the field of solid oxide fuel cells.

Public defence from the Aalto University School of Science, Department of Applied Physics.
An inkjet-printed droplet, containing CuFe2O4 structure.
The cover image is reproduced from Materials Advances 5.1 (2024): 143-158, DOI: 10.1039/D3MA00352C front cover with permission from Royal Society of Chemistry. The image is designed by Sanaz Zarabi Golkhatmi for the Materials Advances journal front cover.

Title of the thesis: Inkjet Printing for Low-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Comparative Fabrication Techniques and Microstructural Investigations

Doctoral student: Sanaz Zarabi Golkhatmi
Opponent: Professor Naimeh Naseri Taheri, Monash University, Australia
Custos: Professor Peter Lund, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Applied Physics

Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) offer significant potential for clean energy generation, but their widespread adoption is limited by challenges related to durability and stability. In this doctoral thesis, a novel approach to addressing these challenges is introduced through advanced fabrication methods for SOFC components, focusing on their microstructure.

The research highlights the use of inkjet printing, a mask-free, accurate, and contactless method for producing high-performance materials with customized microstructures. This technique is particularly valuable for the cathode component of SOFCs, where oxygen reduction reactions often cause activation losses. By improving the cathode’s microstructure, the study aims to enhance the overall performance and stability of SOFCs. The core of the research involved the development and characterization of three distinct ink formulations: LSCF, CuFe2O4, and a CuFe2O4 – GDC nanocomposite. These formulations were evaluated against traditional low-viscosity fabrication techniques such as drop casting and spin coating. Extensive characterization of the inks, including particle size analysis, rheology, thermal properties, microstructural analysis, and electrochemical performance, was conducted to assess their effectiveness.

The results reveal that the inkjet printing method significantly improves the microstructure of the SOFC components, providing a hierarchical architecture with increased reaction sites, leads to enhanced electrochemical performance. Additionally, inkjet printing proves to be a more sustainable manufacturing technique, using less active material and generating less waste compared to conventional methods like screen printing.

This research not only contributes to advancing SOFC technology but also opens doors for the application of inkjet printing in fabricating various electrochemical devices, including sensors, batteries, supercapacitors, and electrolyzers. The findings present a pathway toward more efficient, scalable, and sustainable energy solutions.

Key words: Inkjet printing, ceramics, cathode, solid oxide fuel cell, microstructure

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