
Higher education for all - Accessible Exchange

The ”Accessible Higher Education” network of Finland organises an accessibility conference at Aalto University on Monday 15th April, 2019 at 9:30-16:00.
The theme of the conference is accessible exchange in higher education, especially in Nordic context. Speakers include Maria Montefusco, Secretary of the Council on Nordic Cooperation on Disability at the Nordic Welfare Centre, and Tina Teljstedt, disability coordinator of Karolinska Institutet.
Please note, that the morning session will be held only in Finnish and the afternoon session will be held in English.
Collection of passport photos of different people

Aamupäivällä esitellään OHO!-hankkeen kansallisten saavutettavuuskyselyjen satoa, erityisesti korkeakoulujen johdolle ja opetushenkilöstölle suunnattujen kyselyjen tuloksia. Aamupäivän osuus on suomeksi.
Iltapäivän osuudessa esitellään opiskelijavaihdon saavutettavuutta, erityisesti Pohjoismaisesta näkökulmasta. Puhujina ovat mm. Maria Montefusco (Secretary of the Council on Nordic Cooperation on Disability at the Nordic Welfare Centre) ja vammaisasioiden koordinaattori Tina Teljstedt Karoliinisesta Instituutista. Iltapäivän seminaariosuus on englanninkielinen.


9.30–10.00 Registration: Väre, F102

10.00–10.15 Opening the Seminar (Representative from Aalto University)

10.15–11.00 Conclusion and Results from Accessibility Enquires in Higher Education

Essi Huuhka, Project coordinator, University of Turku

11.00–12.30 Lunch

12.30–13.00 The Nordic Council of Ministers’ Action plan on disability

Maria Montefusco, Secretary of the Council on Nordic Cooperation on Disability at the Nordic Welfare Centre (Student Mobility)

13.00–13.30 Exchange experiences of students with disabilities

Elina Lehtomäki, Professor, University of Oulu

13.30–14.10 Inclusion and accessibility in international mobility programs for higher education. Examples and practices from Nordplus and Erasmus+

Kenneth Lundin, Programme Manager, Finnish National Agency for Education

Sofia Lähdeniemi, Programme Manager, Finnish National Agency for Education, CIMO

14.10–14.40 Coffee break

14.40–15.10 Nordic Network for Disability Coordinators: The Student Mobility project and the situation, system and experiences from Sweden

Tina Teljstedt, Karolinska Institutet

15.10–15.20 Remarks from Inclusive Higher Education Network: Accessibility in Student Mobility in Finland

Paula Pietilä, University of Turku

15.20–15.50 Exchange accessibility from the student point of view

15.50 Conclusions

(The morning session will be in Finnish and afternoon in English)

Venue: Väre, F102, Aalto University ARTS, Otaniementie 14

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