
Erasmus+ Final Seminar: Results of the Distributed and Blended European Education Pilot

Transform Your Teaching with Ready-to-adopt Solutions for Effective Distributed and Blended Education!
Erasmus+ seminar 2024

Detailed event information here

Transform Your Teaching: Discover Ready-to-adopt Solutions for Effective Distributed and Blended Education!

Welcome to attend this event for Free either onsite at the Dipoli building in Aalto University campus, or join it online (choose your type of attendance at registration).

Key topics:

* Learn from the best practices, challenges and solutions in creating and running a distributed Entrepreneurship Micro-minor as a joint effort by 5 European universities.

* Design and implementation principles in an inter-university remote micro-course portfolio as a collective pedagogical process and to ensure its relevance, impact, and sustainability.

* How to deploy a toolkit for designing, testing, and implementing an inter-university teaching program

* How to coordinate the teaching content with EU values alignment, set the targeted competences with minimum requirement levels.

* Implementing "automated" recognition of learning outcomes across universities, a standardized evaluation process and a common educational quality control process.

* How to make internationally distributed and multidisciplinary teams flourish in a one-week onsite event - case of Portfolio summer school. 

* Intense involvement of the ecosystem: blessing or curse when expecting meaningful student works?


8:30   Coffee/tea, light breakfast

9:15   Opening of the Final Erasmus+ Seminar

9:45   Keynote: Academic Leader's Perspective - Universities in the turbulent Global Environment, Hannu Seristö, Associate Vice President, Aalto University

10:30 Break 

11:00 Project Results track, ​part 1

12:00 Lunch in Restaurant Metsähovi, Dipoli

13:15 Project Results track, part 2

14:45 Afternoon coffee/tea

15:15 Keynote: Decision maker's policy view - Ways to foster European Higher Education and Innovative learning & teaching at universities; Mrs. Milena Stoycheva, Chairperson of the Board of Innovation, Minister of Innovation and Growth (06/2023-04/2024), Bulgaria

16:00 Panel discussion, The Future of Higher Education in European Universities - Short list of actions: What, When, and How?

16:45 Networking and cocktails

Please, remember to register for the Seminar! 

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

In Collaboration

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