Aalto NeuroImaging (ANI) Infrastructure

Aalto NeuroImaging (ANI) Infrastructure

Advanced Magnetic Imaging Centre

AMI Centre maintains a research-dedicated 3T-MRI scanner, develops and maintains the related infrastructure and offers services to multiple research teams. Typical measurements at AMI Centre include functional and structural brain imaging or diffusion tensor imaging. In addition, AMI Centre develops new methods and applications of MRI technology.
AMI Centre

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

AMI Centre was inaugurated in February 2002. Our main research tool is a 3 T whole-body MRI scanner (Magnetom Skyra, Siemens), owned by the Aalto University School of Science.

AMI Centre is an administrative subdivision of the Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering at Aalto University School of Science, but it has independent budgetary authority. AMI Centre is part of NEUROIMAGING consortium, whose steering board comprises two members from Aalto University, two from the University of Helsinki, and two from Hospital district of Helsinki and Uusimaa. AMI Centre provides an innovative environment for development and promotion of new magnetic resonance imaging methods. If you would like know more about AMI Centre and research, please see the annual reports.

The laboratory locates in Otakaari 5 I, close to ANI facilities like AMI Centre and Aalto TMS. See all the relevant information and documents from the dropdown menus below.

Facilities, rates and contact information


AMI Centre facilities

Information about the MRI scanner, stimulus equipment and monitoring devices.

Aalto NeuroImaging (ANI) Infrastructure
ANI rates

Aalto NeuroImaging Rates

Measuring at ANI facilities is subject to a charge.

Aalto NeuroImaging (ANI) Infrastructure
Aalto NeuroImaging (ANI) Infrastructure

General hygiene information (COVID-19)

General hygiene information for facility users (COVID-19).

Aalto NeuroImaging (ANI) Infrastructure

Reservation calendar

All the ANI laboratories and some of the equipment (when used separately outside the lab) must be reserved before use. To make a reservation you need a username and password for the reservation system (anitime.aalto.fi).

Starting measurements

A new user has to complete six steps before measurements can be done at AMI Centre. See details of these steps below.


A new user has to pass AMI Centre's safety course, which includes a video lecture, hands-on demonstration at the scanner, and examination. The technical director organizes the safety course several times per year. For more information about the safety course, please contact [email protected].

Documents and forms



Magnet house

Otakaari 5 I

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